Legal Articles

April 1, 2014

Shhh…can you keep a secret?

People who are getting divorced often believe that it is in their best interests to try to keep secrets about the existence of or the true nature of assets from their spouse.  What those people do not understand is that […]
January 13, 2014

Setting your EPA on Automatic

The EPA or Enduring Power Attorney is an integral part of your estate plan.  The EPA is a document that allows you, as the maker, to appoint someone (called the Attorney) to manage your financial matters when you have lost […]
September 29, 2013

Buying a New Home From a Builder

GST and the New Home Housing Rebate If you have purchased or are contemplating purchasing a new home from a builder, you may be told that the purchase price of the home includes GST. Although this sounds simple enough, there […]
June 13, 2013

Mediation: The Peace Treaty at the End of the War

Some people struggle with the idea of mediation. In particular, they question why someone who seeks to solve a dispute in court, and is preparing for litigation, would want to then negotiate toward compromise rather than winning a case outright. […]
April 25, 2013

Charging Personal Representative Fees

Have you been named as the Personal Representative (PR for short) in a Will? PR is the modern term used for the person who conducts the Executor and Trustee duties in completing the administration of an estate.  PRs and beneficiaries […]