Legal Articles

December 9, 2016

Sleepers or RESP?

Grandparents in Medicine Hat annually face the burning question: what do we give to our grandchildren at Christmas or on their birthday? Although not soft and cuddly like sleepers or a stuffed animal, and it will take time it before […]
November 16, 2016

Give the Dough before you Go

When I started writing this article, I was worried my parents might read this and think I cannot wait for them to kick the bucket and I am hoping for their money now.  Truth be told, I really hope they […]
May 21, 2016

Top 10 Tips for Getting Through the Breakup Earthquake

When a couple breaks up it sends shockwaves through their family. Families can avoid and calm the shockwaves of the breakup earthquake in many ways. Here are some tips: Manage your emotions. Talking about unresolved problems can be emotionally upsetting. […]
April 21, 2016

Protecting your Biggest Investment

The purchase of a home by a first time purchaser can be an intimidating process filled with both excitement and anxiety. The stress associated with purchasing your new home can be relieved if you have some basic knowledge and understanding […]
April 21, 2016

Navigating Your Compensation Claims

When you are injured through the fault of others, you have a fundamental right to compensation. The law seeks to restore you, as much as it is humanly possible, to the status you enjoyed before you were injured. Even if […]