Legal Articles

November 23, 2009

New Land Management for Alberta

The question of land use in Alberta has quite a history. For most Albertans, one thinks of the tar sands and, in particular, the tug-of-war between conservation of the land and the environment versus the positive effects on the economy […]
September 16, 2009

Alberta Provincial Court

Introduction In the last edition of this column, I described how Canada’s Courts are structured in a hierarchy and how the Supreme Court of Canada is at the top of the hierarchy. Underneath the Supreme Court, there is a Federal […]
July 21, 2009

Independent Legal Advice for Separating Couples

When a couple in Medicine Hat separates and is able to come to an agreement about how to spend time with their children and what to do with their property, they often attend at a lawyer’s office together to just […]
June 24, 2009

Planning to Live Together

A decision to live with your partner has important parenting, financial and legal consequences for both of you. Our census data in Canada and Medicine Hat tells us most people live together and then either marry or separate within several […]
May 25, 2009

Adoption: The New Beginning

For many couples, one of the most exciting times in their lives is when they make the decision to adopt a child.  The Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act governs the procedure for adoptions in Medicine Hat.  The Act outlines […]
April 20, 2009

Not Married and Separated

If you have been living with a partner and then separate, you will be answering many of the same questions married spouses have to answer: How will you parent your children? How will you each contribute to raising your children […]
February 19, 2009


A common dilemma in estate planning involves balancing fairness among family members while recognizing the needs of a particular family member.  Some examples are: blended families – how to be fair to a second spouse/partner while recognizing children from a […]