October 15, 2014 October 15, 2014Categories Family LawWhen Fair is not EqualWhen you are involved in succession planning, and you have more than one child, your estate planning goals may include how will […]
September 15, 2014 September 15, 2014Categories Legal ArticlesChild Support for a Post-Secondary StudentMany people who pay child support do not realize that their obligation to support their children may continue after the child has […]
August 13, 2014 August 13, 2014Categories Legal ArticlesBecoming A LawyerWith back-to-school right around the corner, many people are thinking about their future pursuits and career options. Perhaps some of you are […]
June 20, 2014 June 20, 2014Categories Family LawIs equal parenting usually best after separation and divorce?When parents separate, how much time and how involved should each parent be with the children? This is a challenging area for […]
May 17, 2014 May 17, 2014Categories Estate PlanningPersonal Directives, Alberta Goals of Care and the Green SleevePersonal Directive I have written about the importance of a Personal Directive (PD) forming part of your estate plan in previous columns. […]
April 19, 2014 April 19, 2014Categories Business & Agri-BusinessDocument Management for your BusinessThe recession is over, thank goodness, but the economy in Medicine Hat is not nearly as vigorous as in the rest of […]
April 1, 2014 April 1, 2014Categories Family LawShhh…can you keep a secret?People who are getting divorced often believe that it is in their best interests to try to keep secrets about the existence […]
March 27, 2014 March 27, 2014Categories Family LawHis, Hers and Ours – How to Divide your Stuff on DivorceWhen a couple separates in Medicine Hat, one of the issues that they must deal with is how to divide the property […]
January 13, 2014 January 13, 2014Categories Estate PlanningSetting your EPA on AutomaticThe EPA or Enduring Power Attorney is an integral part of your estate plan. The EPA is a document that allows you, […]
September 29, 2013 September 29, 2013Categories Real EstateBuying a New Home From a BuilderGST and the New Home Housing Rebate If you have purchased or are contemplating purchasing a new home from a builder, you […]