August 20, 2016 August 20, 2016Categories Legal ArticlesPersonal InjuryBill 6: Changes to WCB Coverage in the Farm & Ranch IndustryOn December 10, 2015, the Alberta government passed an amended Bill 6: Enhanced Protection for Farm and Ranch Workers Act (“Act”). It […]
July 25, 2016 July 25, 2016Categories Legal ArticlesLimited-Scope Retainers: When you can’t afford to buy the whole thing.Lawyers cost money. Clients and lawyers know this. Lawyers sell their time, legal advice and skills based on their professional knowledge. This […]
June 18, 2016 June 18, 2016Categories Real EstateBuying and Selling a Home: What Will My Lawyer Do For Me?Buying or selling a home is an event many Hatters will experience in their lifetime. Your home is one of the biggest […]
May 21, 2016 May 21, 2016Categories Family LawTop 10 Tips for Getting Through the Breakup EarthquakeWhen a couple breaks up it sends shockwaves through their family. Families can avoid and calm the shockwaves of the breakup earthquake […]
April 21, 2016 April 21, 2016Categories Sound SolutionsProtecting your Biggest InvestmentThe purchase of a home by a first time purchaser can be an intimidating process filled with both excitement and anxiety. The […]
April 21, 2016 April 21, 2016Categories Sound SolutionsNavigating Your Compensation ClaimsWhen you are injured through the fault of others, you have a fundamental right to compensation. The law seeks to restore you, […]
April 21, 2016 April 21, 2016Categories Sound SolutionsDivorce ChoicesYour choices in how to resolve your divorce are collaboration, mediation and going to court. If you and your spouse are prepared […]
April 21, 2016 April 21, 2016Categories Sound SolutionsTaking Care of Your FamilyThe foundation for every estate plan is the Will, the Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) and the Personal Directive (PD), sometimes known […]
April 21, 2016 April 21, 2016Categories Sound SolutionsTo Probate or not to Probate?Formal estate administration may be necessary in situations where the person who passes away is single (or widowed) and owns assets, like […]
April 19, 2016 April 19, 2016Categories Sound SolutionsNavigating Disputes in the Court SystemLitigation is the word used to describe the procedure for a claim in court. In Alberta, more than 98% of claims that […]