
June 26, 2024

Estate Planning Zen

So far in my life, no one has mistaken me for a yoga instructor. I have participated in yoga classes, I own a few pairs of Lululemon shorts, but admittedly am not very flexible. I appreciate yoga teachers as they […]
March 22, 2024

Best Interests of the Child

If you have ever been involved in a family law matter, then chances are that you have heard the phrase “best interests of the child” before. But what does this mean, and how is it relevant to the Court? The […]
February 7, 2024

Co-parenting Apps

For many people who have gone through or are going through a separation, the last thing that they want to do is interact with their ex-partner. This is especially true in situations where there are allegations of violence within the […]
November 8, 2023

Stranger Gifts

With Christmas coming I am reminded of some of the more unusual gifts I have given, or received over the years at gift exchanges at my office and my Rotary Club – some gifts include novelty boxing gloves, car reindeer […]
February 4, 2022

Pet Legacy Clauses

 “And to my loyal dog Oakley, I leave…”  While I have been a practicing lawyer in Medicine Hat since 1994, I have [thankfully] not seen a bequest in a Will made directly to the family pet. Pet legacies are rare […]